Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wording Prefer Cash Gifts

Tactics, reading to the theory ... An alternative to

Albrecht Altdorfer - The Battle of Alexander

Here bought a book a few weeks ago and I read with great appetite. Behind the dry title, the author offers a detailed study of concepts focused on the mastery of space and time management in theory and practice of combat. The concepts of superiority, surprise, risk, operational tempo are illuminated from the theory and s'appuyent on a wide variety of historical examples.

YAKOVLEFF Michael is senior officer, teacher and historian. We therefore present the theory related to its implementation on the ground in the battle, emphasizing the tools needed to officers of the French army ... exciting!

For more information:

Website of the Ministry of Defence
- Doctrine Center employment of forces -

Interview with Colonel YAKOVLEFF
Here is a site built around the work of YAKOVLEFF



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