Monday, January 31, 2011

Halloween Funny Gravestones Uk

Burgundians and Spaniards are competing in the plain of Baron Aupointprès.

Given the right Bourguigon:
the bottom left and right Flemish pikemen rafters supported by dismounted knights.

view the game on top, Burgundian and down the Spaniards.

heavy artillery fire prevented from Burgundy because of the light cavalry.

The Burgundian chivalry extends to the left of the army.

artillery and archers Picards occupy the center.

The English cavalry (late XIV - early XV)

We are starting a campaign late Middle Ages to the club:
Here's our part to Lee and me we had fun even if the rule is new for us. Lots of suspense and victory in the snatch for the Spaniards, 17 points against 18 lost cohesion among Bourguigon.

All figures are in Lee. Mine hit the green carpet soon!


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